A Reminder Of God’s Faithfulness

When we’re going through a challenge, we tend to get so focused on the problem that we forget God’s faithfulness. But if we only pause and reflect on everything that we have overcome, we may be surprised to find the almighty hands holding us all along. So today, I want to extend an invitation to … Read more

A Solution To Distraction: The Sacrifice Of Praise

One of the biggest challenges that we face in the modern world is constant distractions. Whether that is through our own screen, what’s going on in the news, or what’s being talked about in our community. Unless we live device-free in the woods somewhere by ourselves, we will face distractions. This is especially the case … Read more

When We’re Pushed Out Of Our Comfort Zones

We know and live through many seasons in our lives. Sometimes they are amazing, full of joy, laughter, and abundance. Other times, they can challenge our faith. But even when we tend to prefer the comfort of “good” seasons, most of us will agree that our biggest growth comes when we’re pushed out of our … Read more

When You Feel Like A Breakthrough Is Still So Far Away

There are times when we hope and pray to God for what may feel like forever. We may be waiting on God for a breakthrough for our marriage, a relationship, healing, financial blessing, or whatever it may be. It can even feel more discouraging when God seems to answer everyone else’s prayer. And we start … Read more

Dealing With Conflict With Both Truth And Love

One of the hardest challenges we will have to deal with in our lifetime is conflict. We live in a fallen world with imperfect people so avoiding them is pretty impossible. As Christ-followers though, dealing with conflict requires both truth and love. We are doing a disservice when we only practice one while neglecting the … Read more

Prayer For Strength

Life can come at us with unexpected surprises. They can sometimes be good but other times, not so good. No matter what it is that we’re facing, we have a heavenly Father whom we can run to for strength. While the weight of whatever it is that brings us down may be heavy, we need … Read more

How To Trust God With All Your Heart

*This post is a guest post written by one of my sister-in-Christ and best friends, Pat. Thank you, Pat, for sharing with us your heart and perspective. How to trust God with all our hearts is such an important lesson that we all need. I hope that everyone that reads it will be blessed by … Read more

Why Is It Important To Know Your Identity In Christ

What we believe in our identity dictates how we navigate through life. Our identity is how we see ourselves to be. When we allow our identity to be based on the things of this world rather than anchoring our identity in Christ, we’re robbing ourselves of God’s best for us. We can think of ourselves … Read more

Dwelling In The Goodness Of God

When we get really busy with life, it is easy for our spiritual life to take a backseat without us realizing it. We may still say our prayers and ask for God to guide us. But the one area that has convicted me lately is not taking the time to soak in and meditate on … Read more