How God Uses Suffering For Good

If there is one thing that we will all experience at some point in our life is a form of suffering. That suffering may look different for everyone. To a toddler, suffering could be as simple as having their beloved toy taken away. To an adult, it could be dealing with health issues or the loss of a loved one. And all ages may experience varying degrees of horrible hurt that may feel unbearable. However, it does not have to be in vain because God can and often uses suffering for good. Our God is able to work all things for our good so we can always have hope and be confident that it will get better.

All Things Work For Good

If I ever looked back on some of the hardest times of my life and were given the option to have those times of suffering taken away, I don’t think I would. While I was in it, of course, it was challenging. I cried out to God, wondering if He had forgotten me. But somehow, God always revealed Himself and the situation always turned out for good. The aftermath filled me with gratitude, taught me lessons I needed to learn, and gave me the confidence to be able to face other challenges.

Can you think of some of the worst challenges that you’ve had to face? Would you take them back if they could be erased? I personally don’t think I can think of anyone I know who would, except in very extreme cases of abuse. If that were you, I pray that God will continue to heal your hurt and fill you with His comfort and peace. But no matter what has happened to us, know that the God we serve is a just God, who is good.

God Uses Suffering For Our Growth

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
- John 15:2 (NIV)

Whenever I read this verse, a part of me gets nervous. Because when God prunes, it is not a comfortable experience. We will always fall short of God’s standard of Holiness. That is why Jesus had to come to the cross for our sins. But that means He calls us to a life living for Him. God created in all human beings a longing for Him that only He can fulfill. But the world, including ourselves, seeks to fill it with the world’s inferior alternatives that only breed empty promises. 

God allows suffering in our lives so we can turn to Him. God uses trials and pain in order to trim off the old, dead parts so that we can be made new. But many times, we don’t see this because our vision is blurred by only what’s in front of us. We may only see the hurt and discomfort of going through the challenges and get mad at God. But we can be confident that God works out all things for good.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
- Romans 8:28 (NIV)

Once we get through the challenge, we find that God has been with us all along. Our heavenly Father isn’t so cruel to allow us to suffer in vain. He teaches us the lessons we need to learn for that season. When we turn to Him and seek His will in our life, we find a closeness with Him that comforts us no matter what we’re facing.

God Uses Suffering To Help Others

The ultimate example of suffering that helped others is Jesus. He stepped down from heaven to suffer and die a criminal’s death. And it is through Jesus’ suffering that we are saved. So if Jesus can make that ultimate sacrifice for us, we can think of what we’re going through with a heart to help someone else later on. Not only will suffering shape us, but it will also help others get through their heartache.

God is able to see our past, present, and future. And because He sees our future, He prepares us for what’s coming next. The world is still filled with many hurt and lost souls. God can use our experiences to touch those around us. But we can’t do that if our lives are picture-perfect. God’s preparation may not be the most comfortable experience. In fact, it has never been anywhere near comfortable for me. Whether we’re struggling to conceive, going through a job loss, or anything else that we may be facing.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
- Isaiah 41:10

But He will be with us all the way so we do not have to fear whatever it is that we may have to face. Sufferings are often a test that challenges our faith and corners us to look to Him who is our deliverer. When we come out of the fire, we are able to see things clearer through a lens of faith. What we need to remember as we face our own trials is that our suffering can be used to help others. Our suffering will not be for waste when we will use it for good.

God Uses Suffering To Strengthen Us

Some of the most inspiring testimonies that I’ve ever heard came from men and women that went through a tremendous amount of suffering. They came out of the pain and the hurt with the most fervent conviction of God’s presence and goodness. One of these ladies is very close to me. She went through an abusive marriage while navigating in a new country as an immigrant with little skills and no understanding of the language. She had young children and her family always struggled with finances despite working almost every day of the week. What’s more, she suffered multiple miscarriages.

Her spouse would often get drunk, destroy things in her home, and beat her blue. Everything in her wanted to escape the hurt. Too many women around the world unfortunately face similar situations. I asked her how she was able to go through those times. She said it was Jesus. She turned to God in the darkest hours and only pressed further into Him. And she ceaselessly prayed for her husband and children. Even though her life was not easy, she found joy in God’s presence.

She said she developed patience and understanding for others. And God worked in her spouse’s heart and he turned around from his abusive ways. Now she’s a successful businesswoman who helps her community and is a beacon of light to those around her. There are so many men and women with similar testimonies of God’s goodness. God uses every tear, every scar, and every ache to strengthen us. We can then take that newfound strength to take on whatever challenge that may come next. Jesus said we will have trouble in this world. That is no secret. However, He told us that we are overcomers through Him.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
- John 16:33 (NIV)
Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, thank you for your divine plan. Thank you that you always have me at the palms of your mighty hands. Despite my constant doubt and questions, you are still good. Continue to prune me as you do so that I can be used by You for your kingdom and to help others. Build up my faith as I walk closer to you through the fire. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.


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