When We’re Pushed Out Of Our Comfort Zones

We know and live through many seasons in our lives. Sometimes they are amazing, full of joy, laughter, and abundance. Other times, they can challenge our faith. But even when we tend to prefer the comfort of “good” seasons, most of us will agree that our biggest growth comes when we’re pushed out of our comfort zones.

What Does It Mean To Be Pushed Out Of Your Comfort Zone?

Comfort zones can mean so many things and too many of us may not even realize when we’re in one. It may take a major life event to throw us out of our daily routines to realize we had been too comfortable. There is a saying that goes “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”. So most of us don’t. But God is so good that He allows situations to push us out of our comfort zones. After all, it is for our own good.

Even though these situations may not feel good, we should know and be comforted that many men and women in the Bible had to face their own challenges too. And there is always redemption and hope. Each time we leave our comfort zone, there is so much growth waiting for us on the other side. Let’s look at some examples.

Ruth Left Home

If you remember the book of Ruth, you will find her to be a woman who has been pushed out of her comfort zone. She was a Moabite woman who had lost her husband. When her mother-in-law Naomi prompted her to go back to her home, Ruth insisted on following Naomi. Ruth left the comfort of her home and her people to go to a foreign land. She accompanied the elderly Naomi to Bethlehem and worked hard to provide for both of them.

But leaving her comfort zone also gave her a chance to be married again to Boaz. And her lineage led to King David (she is David’s great grandmother! Matthew 1: 5-6 ) and eventually to Jesus.

Jonah Was Eaten

If we look at the short four-chapters book of Jonah, we will see that warning the Ninevites was not a part of Jonah’s plan. But the Lord pushed him out of his comfort zone. The Lord told him to go to Nineveh to warn the people to turn back to God. Jonah simply did not want to do it. It took Jonah being thrown into the sea and eaten by a large fish for him to realize that he cannot escape from God’s plans for him.

When Jonah saw that he cannot run but to face what was outside of his comfort, he finally did what the Lord told him to do. Jonah may not necessarily be happy at the outcome but the city of Nineveh repented and a hundred and twenty thousand people were saved! Sometimes, God uses us because life doesn’t revolve around us. And thank God for that!

Peter Walked On The Water

Matthew 14:22-33

I sometimes imagine what it would be like to be Peter, who Jesus called to walk on the water with him. A part of me is extremely judgemental of Peter for paying attention to the wind and the waves when Jesus was right in front of him. But the truth is, Jesus is with us now too! And I pay attention to the winds and waves more often than I’d like to admit.

Peter’s comfort zone was not walking on the water but staying put inside the boat. He left the boat, keeping his eyes on Jesus. And what this moment in his life taught me is that when we leave or are pushed out of our comfort zones, there is no reason to fear.

Jesus is with us all along, ready to catch us the way He caught Peter. And that we’re not expected to be perfect. We may even slip as Peter did. But this moment through Peter taught generations of men and women around the world about what happens when we have faith and keep our eyes on Jesus.

Read Next: When You Feel Like A Breakthrough Is Still So Far Away

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, I often dread when I’m being pushed out of my comfort zone. I sometimes want to stay in the stable rather than what new growth that You have waiting for me. Help me to be brave, despite the winds and waters, and to keep my eyes on You. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.


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