A Solution To Distraction: The Sacrifice Of Praise

One of the biggest challenges that we face in the modern world is constant distractions. Whether that is through our own screen, what’s going on in the news, or what’s being talked about in our community. Unless we live device-free in the woods somewhere by ourselves, we will face distractions. This is especially the case when it comes to our spiritual life. However, there is a solution to distraction: the sacrifice of praise!

The Sacrifice Of Praise

I don’t know about you but lately, I’ve been struggling with constant distraction. If it’s not my phone, it’s my tablet. Then it’s the computer and a million to-dos list. During my quiet prayer times, I would be reminded of what I forgot to do and what I shouldn’t forget to do after the prayer time is over. It’s gotten to a point where my Bible study and prayer time feels like something I needed to get out of the way so that I can start my real work.

The truth is, I know this is all wrong and that my priorities are out of alignment. So when I couldn’t stay focused during prayers and I became frustrated, this verse immediately came to mind.

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.
- Hebrews 13:15 (NIV)

A sacrifice of praise was something my spirit immediately felt prompted to do. When my mind starts to race everywhere else, I start to praise. Lately, it’s been the song ‘10,000 reasons’. No matter how I felt, I started to bless the name of the Lord with praise, professing His name. What this did was shift my mind from where I am to where I should be.

The Bible also says the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Stealing our attention is exactly in the enemy’s plan. But that is even more of a reason that we give to God our sacrifice of praise. It is a sacrifice because it costs us something. It costs our will, discipline, and conscious choice to abandon the things that are pulling our attention and shift it towards praising the One who is worthy of our praise.

And this conscious, active choice has to be continual because our distractions don’t give us breaks. God gave us all different gifts and assignments to do in this world. However, our relationship with Him through studying His living word and spending time with Him must be a priority. No distractions, whether that’s mind-numbing social media or your important to-do list should ever get in the way of that.

Read Next: Prayer For Gratitude

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, thank You for pursuing me even when my attention is elsewhere. You know my struggles, including the constant distractions I face when it comes to my relationship with You. Thank You for providing a solution no matter what I’m facing. I praise and bless Your Holy name. Amen.


Knowing God starts with knowing His Word. If you don’t already own a Bible, there are many churches that give one for free. You can also download a YouVersion Bible App. Or if you’d like a physical copy, it can easily be found on amazon.