Things To Pray For Others

Many times, we get so busy in our own lives that we often don’t prioritize praying for others. While we may not mean to be so forgetful, our friendships and relationships are gifts that we must be better stewards of. And being good stewards means we carry their burdens, praying for God’s best in their … Read more

The Importance Of Living In Gratitude

In our daily life, it is so easy to find things to complain about. It can be something as inconvenient as traffic, things are getting too busy with work, or you found out you need to replace your AC in the middle of summer. When we find anything that gets in the way of our … Read more

Why We Need To Stay Positive During Hard Times

No matter how much we may try otherwise, there will always be situations and circumstances that we cannot control. There are hard times that we won’t be able to avoid and even hopeless situations that can corner us to anxiety. And no matter how many prayers we say, staying positive during hard times seems so … Read more

What To Do When You Feel Spiritually Dry

In our walk with God, getting to a place of spiritual dryness can seem so unfair. You devote your time to reading your Bible, praying daily, and going to church. And yet, you feel like you fell into dry parched land. How did you get here and what can you do when you feel spiritually … Read more

Asking God For Direction In Your Life

No matter where we are in our spiritual life, new challenges can be testing. One of the hardest seasons to be is a season of waiting where we’re asking God for direction but we can’t seem to hear him. So what are we to do? Asking God For Direction Through Prayer Needless to say, prayer … Read more

How To Overcome Bitterness And Resentment

One of the hardest things to deal with whether you’re a Christian or not is harboring negative feelings about certain people. This is especially the case when you often have to see or be in the same social circle as them. While we may grind our teeth at the very mention of their name, we … Read more

How To Overcome Worldly Desires

If there is something we will face every single day, it is the temptation for things of the world. We are constantly advertised for things we want and supposedly need. Sometimes we’re not aware that we’re being advertised to at all. While owning and buying nice things is not bad in itself, it can impede … Read more

How God Uses Suffering For Good

If there is one thing that we will all experience at some point in our life is a form of suffering. That suffering may look different for everyone. To a toddler, suffering could be as simple as having their beloved toy taken away. To an adult, it could be dealing with health issues or the … Read more

Why Spending Time With God Is Important

With any relationship, spending quality time is important. That is no different when it comes to our relationship with our Lord. Spending time with God teaches us to discern what are lies and what is truth and gives us discernment over the works of the enemy. Most importantly, when we spend time with God and … Read more

The Importance Of Being Faithful In The Little Things

One of the harder things we may face as Christians is being in a season where you feel like not much is happening. You may feel like you have so much more potential and bigger things to do. You may even have a vision for your life that is more impactful, more significant, more life-changing. … Read more