A Reminder Of God’s Faithfulness

When we’re going through a challenge, we tend to get so focused on the problem that we forget God’s faithfulness. But if we only pause and reflect on everything that we have overcome, we may be surprised to find the almighty hands holding us all along. So today, I want to extend an invitation to … Read more

When We’re Pushed Out Of Our Comfort Zones

We know and live through many seasons in our lives. Sometimes they are amazing, full of joy, laughter, and abundance. Other times, they can challenge our faith. But even when we tend to prefer the comfort of “good” seasons, most of us will agree that our biggest growth comes when we’re pushed out of our … Read more

When You Feel Like A Breakthrough Is Still So Far Away

There are times when we hope and pray to God for what may feel like forever. We may be waiting on God for a breakthrough for our marriage, a relationship, healing, financial blessing, or whatever it may be. It can even feel more discouraging when God seems to answer everyone else’s prayer. And we start … Read more

How To Trust God With All Your Heart

*This post is a guest post written by one of my sister-in-Christ and best friends, Pat. Thank you, Pat, for sharing with us your heart and perspective. How to trust God with all our hearts is such an important lesson that we all need. I hope that everyone that reads it will be blessed by … Read more

Finding Hope In A Difficult Marriage

Marriage can be the most wonderful and fulfilling relationship. We may search for that person all our lives to find and build a family with. But it can also be the most challenging and draining relationship. Our spouses are the only people that see everything about us just like how we’re the only ones that … Read more

Why We Need To Stay Positive During Hard Times

No matter how much we may try otherwise, there will always be situations and circumstances that we cannot control. There are hard times that we won’t be able to avoid and even hopeless situations that can corner us to anxiety. And no matter how many prayers we say, staying positive during hard times seems so … Read more

What To Do When You Feel Spiritually Dry

In our walk with God, getting to a place of spiritual dryness can seem so unfair. You devote your time to reading your Bible, praying daily, and going to church. And yet, you feel like you fell into dry parched land. How did you get here and what can you do when you feel spiritually … Read more

Asking God For Direction In Your Life

No matter where we are in our spiritual life, new challenges can be testing. One of the hardest seasons to be is a season of waiting where we’re asking God for direction but we can’t seem to hear him. So what are we to do? Asking God For Direction Through Prayer Needless to say, prayer … Read more

How God Uses Suffering For Good

If there is one thing that we will all experience at some point in our life is a form of suffering. That suffering may look different for everyone. To a toddler, suffering could be as simple as having their beloved toy taken away. To an adult, it could be dealing with health issues or the … Read more

The Importance Of Being Faithful In The Little Things

One of the harder things we may face as Christians is being in a season where you feel like not much is happening. You may feel like you have so much more potential and bigger things to do. You may even have a vision for your life that is more impactful, more significant, more life-changing. … Read more