The Key To Finding Contentment In God

Many of us live in a world where we’re constantly being sold what happiness should look like. Whether through social media and targeted advertising, it’s easy to believe that happiness could be achieved if only we could have (fill in the blank). But what if we don’t look for worldly things as the solution to … Read more

Knowing God’s Timing Is Always Right

If you’re in a season of waiting, believing for God to come through for you, there is so much hope. That is whether you’re waiting for a spouse, for children, or for a dream that God has put in your heart. The Bible is full of stories that show God’s timing is always right and … Read more

How To Recharge When You Feel Burnt Out

For many people, getting burnt out is something they deal with more often than they like. You can feel burnt out for many reasons. Some people feel they’re much in need of a recharge after juggling different aspects of their lives from work, home, or maybe school. Others can feel emotionally and physically drained from … Read more

How To Slow Down And Enjoy Life Right Now

Let’s face it, there can be a lot going on in our life. Whether you are a student, a young adult, or a parent, you can always be wondering what is next. You notice yourself even wanting to rush every process and get to where you think you should be already. But life can come … Read more

How To Keep Faith When Everything Is Falling Apart

If you read or watch the news enough, you will undoubtedly see that we live in a sinful world. There are atrocious sins committed by men to other men. When you see it happen to other people, your heart may break that you may say a prayer. If you were touched enough, you may speak … Read more

When God Makes You Wait For A Spouse

Most people will agree that dating is not like in the movies and especially not the same since the global pandemic. Ever since social media and dating apps became mainstream, finding people became much easier. However, it can make it harder to find meaningful connections. This can be especially more so with believers. While you … Read more

What Do You Do When Life Is Unfair

One of the hardest things to cope with is seeing injustices happening in the world. You see people hurting and dying, yet you are helpless to be able to help. You can be filled with indignation but what do you do when life is unfair? It can be that things are spiraling out of control … Read more