Why Is It Important To Know Your Identity In Christ

What we believe in our identity dictates how we navigate through life. Our identity is how we see ourselves to be. When we allow our identity to be based on the things of this world rather than anchoring our identity in Christ, we’re robbing ourselves of God’s best for us. We can think of ourselves … Read more

Why A Personal Relationship With God Is Crucial

If there is a fundamental requirement when we become Christians is a personal relationship with God. While we have it offered to us, it must be an active, purposeful, and intentional act that we do. We can pray, go to church, and do all the right things, a personal relationship with God is not one … Read more

Winning The Battle Within

One of the hardest and most often occurring battles we face is with the one within ourselves. We know what are the right things to do and feel, but yet, we find it a challenge to do and feel them. So how do we deal with the battle within ourselves? The good news is, we … Read more

Facing Our Body-Image Issues As Christians

Body image is a struggle that so many men and women face no matter what part of the world you may be in. What is considered beautiful and ugly are defined for us from when we gain an understanding of the world. What can make it worse is the constant social media that feeds us … Read more

Why Our Thoughts Are So Powerful

Our thoughts have the power to run our lives. What we think about throughout the day drives our emotions and ultimately our faith. Our thoughts are so powerful that it affects our mental, physical, and spiritual health. So what do we need to do to make sure that we think thoughts that are God-fearing and … Read more

The Importance Of Living In Gratitude

In our daily life, it is so easy to find things to complain about. It can be something as inconvenient as traffic, things are getting too busy with work, or you found out you need to replace your AC in the middle of summer. When we find anything that gets in the way of our … Read more

How To Overcome Worldly Desires

If there is something we will face every single day, it is the temptation for things of the world. We are constantly advertised for things we want and supposedly need. Sometimes we’re not aware that we’re being advertised to at all. While owning and buying nice things is not bad in itself, it can impede … Read more

How To Overcome Fear Of Change Through Truth

Since the day that we were conceived and born into the world, we face changes. It starts with growing physically and mentally. There was a Greek philosopher named Heraclitus that said “the only constant in life is change”. Change is something that is necessary for us to continue living. But sometimes, change can be daunting. … Read more