What Does God Call Us To Do?

I can’t say that I have ever met anyone that wanted to live their life without a purpose. Most of us live in this world for something or someone. As Christians, our sense of purpose is even stronger. We now know that we are saved through grace and our life on this earth is short … Read more

How To Deal With Constant Feeling Of Not Doing Enough

The opposite of laziness is being hard-working or diligent. After all, who would want to be known as lazy? Not many can argue that being productive with your time is bad. However, when a lack of productivity or some productivity from time to time leaves you feeling guilty, it is a problem. Some people struggle … Read more

How To Deal With A Job Loss

If you are a working adult during the recent global pandemic, a job loss is something too commonly experienced among millions of people all over the world. If you have lost a job, it can be one of the most hurtful, daunting, and scary experiences. So how can you deal with a job loss after … Read more

How To Be Happy For Others

One of the hardest feelings to deal with is wanting to be genuinely happy for others but you struggle to be. Whether it’s your closest friends, siblings, or other family members, you’re expected to be happy for their successes and breakthroughs. That expectation could be from yourself and them, which can cause a great amount … Read more

Why We Need To Redefine Success

In the age of social media and highlight reels, it can seem like success has a look. It has a certain social status, a level of income, and a pull of influence. If you are not a part of it, it has a tendency to leave you to want without giving you any direction to … Read more

What To Do During A Waiting Season

One of the hardest things to go through is a period of stagnancy. You may feel lost, wondering why you are in a place in life where you thought you would not be. Maybe by this time, you had expected to be at a certain level in your career. Or maybe that you would obtain … Read more

Feeling Of Not Being Good Enough

There are days that you can’t help but feel like no matter what you do and how hard you try, the feeling of not being good enough drowns you. It can be in so many areas, in relationships, friendships, parenthood, career, or wherever you may in life. You don’t want to be a Debby downer … Read more