A Solution To Distraction: The Sacrifice Of Praise

One of the biggest challenges that we face in the modern world is constant distractions. Whether that is through our own screen, what’s going on in the news, or what’s being talked about in our community. Unless we live device-free in the woods somewhere by ourselves, we will face distractions. This is especially the case … Read more

Dealing With Conflict With Both Truth And Love

One of the hardest challenges we will have to deal with in our lifetime is conflict. We live in a fallen world with imperfect people so avoiding them is pretty impossible. As Christ-followers though, dealing with conflict requires both truth and love. We are doing a disservice when we only practice one while neglecting the … Read more

Dwelling In The Goodness Of God

When we get really busy with life, it is easy for our spiritual life to take a backseat without us realizing it. We may still say our prayers and ask for God to guide us. But the one area that has convicted me lately is not taking the time to soak in and meditate on … Read more

The Importance Of Quiet Time With God

One subject that is often overlooked in the lives of many Christians is the importance of quiet time with God. We can pray often, attend church regularly, and serve. But intentionally setting quiet time with God is so beneficial in our spiritual walk. So let’s look further into it. Why Should We Have Quiet Time … Read more

Finding Hope In A Difficult Marriage

Marriage can be the most wonderful and fulfilling relationship. We may search for that person all our lives to find and build a family with. But it can also be the most challenging and draining relationship. Our spouses are the only people that see everything about us just like how we’re the only ones that … Read more

Why Spending Time With God Is Important

With any relationship, spending quality time is important. That is no different when it comes to our relationship with our Lord. Spending time with God teaches us to discern what are lies and what is truth and gives us discernment over the works of the enemy. Most importantly, when we spend time with God and … Read more

How Do I Desire God More?

Since receiving Jesus into their lives, many Christians face a season where they feel that they should do more. In your walk with God, you may face a season where you feel that you are not as close to God as you should be. You see other Christians who seem to have it so good … Read more