Dwelling In The Goodness Of God

When we get really busy with life, it is easy for our spiritual life to take a backseat without us realizing it. We may still say our prayers and ask for God to guide us. But the one area that has convicted me lately is not taking the time to soak in and meditate on the goodness of God in my life. Do you relate?

Dwelling In The Goodness Of God

These days, I’ve been reflecting on my prayer life. What I’ve found is that a lot of my prayers are always asking God to help me with something. Whether that’s asking for a breakthrough or working on my heart in some ways. My needs and my checklist of things to ask for tend to be the center of my prayer life. But it is so in line with the goodness of God for the Holy Spirit to step in and draw my attention to this. The truth is, I simply have not spent enough time being grateful. I have not thanked God enough for the blessing that He has given.

It is not that God requires my obligated thanks for giving me something. But it is to recognize that when we see how good He is, we are humbled. We see the Giver of all things instead of the gifts. If there’s a Biblical figure that was really good at acknowledging and praising God’s goodness was King David. This particular verse came to mind as I pondered this.

One thing I ask from the Lord,
    this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
    all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
    and to seek him in his temple.
- Psalm 27:4 (NIV)

Wow! To have that heart that simply wanted to gaze at the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple. I felt convicted. My heart for the things I want can slowly become greater than my heart to seek His face. While our God is so good to bless us, we must not allow those blessings to get in the way of our true purpose. We are called to worship and serve the One that is worthy.

We need to be reminded often of God’s goodness. Even if that requires a conscious effort to do so, we must choose to do it. A prayer of gratitude is one we should not neglect. Not because it is a chore or a duty. But it is to re-orient and recalibrate our spiritual bearings. It is not out of fear or guilt but because despite being a Holy God, King of kings, and Ancient of Days, He calls us His beloved.

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, thank you for convicting me of my heart’s situation. Thank You for bringing truth and light to my heart that I sometimes do put my needs and wants above you. You are too good to lose me to the things of this world. Thank You for reminding me that my fulfillment and needs are met by You and You alone. Thank You for your grace for me. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.


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