How To Move On From The Past Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

One of the hardest challenges in life is the feeling of not being able to move on from the past. Whether that is leaving a hurt behind, forgiving someone, or living in regret. Being stuck in the rut of the past can drain our energies and steal our present-day joy. So how can we move on from the stings of our past, whatever that may be, and live in the fullness that God calls us to live in?

How To Move On From The Past Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

The truth is, we ultimately have the power to be able to move on from the past. How we can do this is by making up our minds that we will. When God created us, He gave us the gift of free will. We will never be forced to make a decision that we’re not willing to make. Even our decision to come to Christ is one that we make with a fully conscious choice. Choosing to move on from the past is an active, deliberate, and constant choice.

Our emotions may not want to. We can become comfortable in the negative feeling of hanging onto that bitterness. That weight on our shoulders can feel strangely comforting because our sinful nature wants to stay defeated. We may think that holding on to the past somehow justifies our hurt and punishes the person, people, or situation that hurt us. No matter how we rationalize this feeling, the truth is, this is simply not God’s best for us.

And while it may seem easy to say make up your mind to move on from the past, it is not without recognizing that it is a challenge. That battle in our mind can be very loud and real. It is not to belittle what happened to us. But should we continue to allow the past to rob the joys of our future? That is why it is important to confront ourselves. However, this active choice daily that can feel like an uphill battle of emotions can bring us to freedom. The Bible says to renew our mind and that is what we must do.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
- Romans 12:2 (NIV)

Christ has set us free through His death and resurrection. We no longer have to dwell in the tomb of our past, the stone is rolled away so we can walk out! The life that God calls us to is so much richer, fuller, and brighter. When we trust God with all of our lives, including our past, present, and future, God is able to restore and renew. Let us get out of our own way and allow God to do what He does best.

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, thank you for the healing that you always offer me. You know my deepest hurts and insecurity. I tend to hide behind the tomb of my past when you call me into a new day. But today, I changed my mind that I no longer want to dwell in that darkness. I trust that you will work in my heart as I renew my mind daily. Thank You for the freedom that you offer. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.


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