The Challenges Of Being A Christian Today And How To Face Them

In recent times, it seems that it is becoming more challenging to say that you are a Christian. There is a certain burden that comes with the label in popular culture. People assume that being a Christian can sometimes mean that you are against a group of people or issues. Your faith may often be questioned and even used against you. So what are some of the biggest challenges of being a Christian today and how can we face them while following Christ?

The Challenges Of Being A Christian

If I speak to my parents and grandparents who are first and second-generation Christians about what are the challenges of being a Christian today, they would say a lack of devotion. If I ask the same question to some of my younger cousins, the answer can vary. For older or more mature Christians, they have done their share of challenges in their Christian walk. But the challenges are new and even different for the younger generation of Christians. The world that they grew up in and are growing up throws different sets of challenges. So what are they anyways?

Being A Christian Means I Can’t Have Fun

For many young Christians that grew up having friends besides other kids from church, it can be hard to say no. I felt this exact feeling during my single years. I wanted to be able to worship on Sunday with my arms raised up high. But I struggled with also wanting to dance to music at bars and clubs. I still wanted to maintain my deep-rooted Christian values. But I still wanted to dip my toes into the recklessness of being young and single.

It was almost a constant tug-of-war in curiosity and guilt. When I went out with non-Christian friends, I wanted to fit in and be fun. But with my Christian friends, I was almost a different person. I struggled with my identity because I didn’t want to give up the fun. I wanted to be able to enjoy my youth and explore certain experiences within a limit of what I defined to be “not sinful”. During my prayer meetings though, I felt fake. Two-faced. What would I have told my younger self then?

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
- John 10:10 (ESV)

Jesus told his disciples that he came to give life. When Jesus gives life, it was never meant to rob us of any “fun”. What we give up for God, He replaces them with so much better. Choosing Christ over what we want of the flesh is true worship. It is more than me singing with my arms up on a Sunday.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship.
- Romans 12:1 (NIV)

Yes, we are saved by accepting Jesus as our Savior. But to follow Him? It takes every day to continue to choose Him over our flesh. No, He does not condemn us when we fall short. And no, not everything fun is a sin. But He gave us the Holy Spirit that gives little tugs for when we choose the desire of our flesh over Him. It was never about saying no to everything else. It is saying yes to Him over and over again.

Being A Christian Means I Have To Always Be Accepting

Christians have a bad reputation to many people. After all, many Christians have committed acts that are not Christ-like. We have manipulated, divided, and hurt others. But others don’t see the sinful nature in us. It is often the name of Christ that takes the blame. And with the popularity of pop culture and acceptance, it can be challenging as a Christian to say no.

You may feel like you need to be accepting of everyone or they will say you are judgemental. Many nonbelievers may even find upholding Christian values to be outdated and unaccepting. This can corner a lot of Christians to compromise values that the Bible has clearly told us to hold.

But being a Christ-follower was never meant to be easy. The God we serve is Holy. And while He has called us to love one another, we cannot love sin. Jesus loved sinners, but not the sin. Many Christians focus on God’s grace while ignoring God’s truth. As a result, there are many “prosperity churches” that only take the “good” part of Christ. Ones that are easy and do not ask you to abandon yourself to Him. But Jesus says,

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
- John 14:6 (NIV)

If we are to follow Christ, we must follow the truth along with the grace that we have accepted. We cannot pick and choose what we want to believe based on what is convenient to us. That may put us at odds with what the world believes in. But we cannot conform to the beliefs and teachings of the world. We already have a Teacher.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
- Romans 12:2 (NIV)

Being A Christian Means I Have To Know Why

Before we immigrated to the US, my family grew up in a small village up in the mountains. Even to this day, technology is not like how it is in many parts of the world. Growing up, I have heard so many miracles that I never saw here. It seems faith is harder to come by when we have everything available to us. And miracles? I can’t remember one that happened to people in my grown-up life.

Obtaining any information about anything is so easily available through the internet. While this resource can be used for a lot of good things, it is one that can easily get in the way of our faith. If we need an answer, we ask Google. After a few minutes or hours of research, we can learn about just about any subject out there.

But one thing that the world does not have answers for is the why of situations. For example, a common question is “why do bad things happen to good people?”. It seems the “why” of God allowing certain events to happen causes many people to not have faith in a god. And when we as Christians do not have explanations, it seems to discredit our faith. But how can we understand the fullness of God here on earth? The book of Job puts it this way:

Can you fathom the mysteries of God?
    Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?
They are higher than the heavens above—what can you do?
    They are deeper than the depths below—what can you know?
Their measure is longer than the earth
    and wider than the sea.
- Job 11: 7 - 9 (NIV)

We will not have all the answers as Christians. We will not have explanations for why God allows what He allows. But even when we can’t see ahead or know the reasons, we are still to trust. If we had all the answers, why would we need faith? If we can all see God with our own eyes just like we can see a sunrise, we cannot choose. So if the sunrise is in front of us, we have no choice but to accept that it is a sunrise.

The world’s question of “why” may be one of the biggest challenges of being a Christian today. Because when we do not have answers or given any answer, it tests our faith. But we do not answer to others. We are called to live in faith.

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, thank you that you are still God on the throne, no matter the circumstances. You know the challenges that I face and sometimes I feel like I failed you. Teach me to your ways, help me to see that you are always more than anything that I may ever have to give up. Build up my faith so I can follow You, despite any challenge I may face. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.


Knowing God starts with knowing His Word. If you don’t already own a Bible, there are many churches that give one for free. You can also download a YouVersion Bible App. Or if you’d like a physical copy, it can easily be found on amazon.