The Importance Of Quiet Time With God

One subject that is often overlooked in the lives of many Christians is the importance of quiet time with God. We can pray often, attend church regularly, and serve. But intentionally setting quiet time with God is so beneficial in our spiritual walk. So let’s look further into it.

Why Should We Have Quiet Time At All?

Among everything we do, quiet time is the one habit that I personally tend to skip over. I find myself constantly on the go, reacting to different stimuli throughout the day. Whether that is with work, with friends and family, strangers, and with social media. Once I get done with my Bible reading and praying, I tend to immediately start the day with stimuli after stimuli. It seems that our modern life does a great job at constantly feeding us things that take our attention.

This is especially the case when it comes to doing mundane tasks like housework. As soon as I start laundry or clean the house, I have to put on a YouTube video. I justified it thinking it was a great way to multitask. But consuming more content only wires our brain for more. It got to a point where I rushed spending time with God so that I could get back to the show or channel I was watching.

I struggled with hearing from God because I was rushing Him to speak to me only in the small allotted time I had set out for Him. It is by His grace that I learned why it is so important to have alone, quiet time with God. I wanted to share the why with you so that it will hopefully help you as well.

Quiet Time With God Allows Us To Process Through What Is Important

In the west, most of us have personal cell phones. And many of us use some form of social media. As soon as we look at our phones, the temptation to get lost in stories, posts, memes, and videos is strong. Once we click on one, it is easy to lose track of time. Whether we’re watching TV or videos on the internet, we’re constantly being fed a form of media.

That means from when we wake up to when we lay down, we’re consuming what the world is offering. So where is the time for our brain to process through our Bible reading? How can we confine God to a certain time to speak to us? Quiet time is essential because it allows us to listen with intention and focus. When we remove the sources that take our attention away from God, we’re able to digest the Word that we read.

We can also process what we learned in school or at work. God can use the quiet time to allow us to think through problems that we face and tune away from the distraction. Quiet time can also allow us to process our emotions as we deal with imperfect people in this imperfect world.

Quiet Time With God Allows Us To Reflect

Like many Christians, I always regularly read my Bible. But I often skipped the meditating part of what I read. And I especially skipped the quiet time with God. That means I hardly ever reflected on what I read. Prioritizing quiet time before I jump off to do the next thing allows me to reflect on the Word. It allows me to digest, process, and reflect so that it is not something I consume and then spit out.

The parable of the sower found in Matthew 13 comes to mind.

When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”
- Matthew 13: 19-23 (NIV)

We can receive God’s words with joy as we read the Bible, go to church, and do our routine. But without wholeheartedly consuming God’s Word, we can very much be like the seed that was falling on rocky grounds. Our joy is short-lived without root. Quiet time allows us to reflect so that what we received from the Word is not easily swept away but planted firmly in us.

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me to a place where I can be aware of this revelation. I know I definitely fall short when it comes to putting You first. Teach me to be able to listen to your voice as I spend quiet time with You. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen


Knowing God starts with knowing His Word. If you don’t already own a Bible, there are many churches that give one for free. You can also download a YouVersion Bible App. Or if you’d like a physical copy, it can easily be found on amazon.